There was lots of snow, Mark and I really wanted to build a snowman, but we just ran out of time, but Mark did find some time to get a couple of snowballs in (see pictures below). Indiana had more snow than I have seen in a long time. It was a true white Christmas. We wanted to let the girls play in it, but it was just too cold. Maybe next year. As to be expected, the girls were spoiled with gifts from several different Christmas celebrations. There were lots of toys and clothes, but they were more interested in the paper. :)
We left Sunday, December 26th at 10:00 pm. Our plan was to drive through the night again. This time we were traveling with one less person, as Great Grandma Justine was not coming back with us. The girls slept through the night and we stopped in Forsyth, GA about an hour south of Atlanta at around 9:00am. We were hungry and so were they. We went to Dairy Queen to get breakfast for ourselves and to feed the girls. As we always do, we made a splash. (People are always curious as triplets are not the norm) After about 20 minutes of answering questions the owner asked us if he could call the local newspaper because this was big news for such a small town. I will jump at any chance to show off my adorable babies so I said sure. I didn't think the newspaper would actually show up, but I was wrong. About 20 minutes later a reporter showed up and took our picture and asked us a few questions. I am sure that was a great picture after nearly 12 hours in the car. I asked them if they did publish the article to send us a copy of the paper. Hopefully they will do that. I will post the article if and when it comes.
We got home around 2:30 on Monday afternoon. We were exhausted, but the babies were ready to go (having slept all night). We somehow worked through it. We have had a rough couple of days as the babies are adjusting to being back home again, but things are getting back to normal.
It was an all around good trip and a very memorable Christmas. A milestone update, the girls are all officially sitting up on their own. Payton is still our best sitter. All the girls can now say Mama and Dada, but Jillian is still our talker. They are starting to wave and even say Hi now. Payton now has one tooth and Chloe has two. They are growing so quickly. Enjoy the pictures and videos:
Payton in her new turtle with balls inside
Payton with her new dolly (she looks just like Daddy)
Daddy when he was younger (compare to picture above)
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