Last weekend we went to the Christmas Festival in St. Augustine. We went before a couple of years ago, so we decided to take the girls this year. It is
the closest thing to snow and Christmas in Florida. They have an ice slide, which Mark and Derek took part in. They also have ice skating, an elf village, a campfire to make
s'mores, hot chocolate and cider, a
sleigh ride, and of course Santa is there. We made
s'mores and took a
sleigh ride with the girls. We went to see Santa, but did not sit on his lap this time. Believe it or not, it was really cold out and the girls were really bundled up (see pictures below) I didn't want to
unbundle them especially since they already told Santa what they wanted for Christmas. Overall it was a very cold night, but we had a lot of fun.
This weekend my brother came over and stayed on Friday night and we celebrated Christmas with each other on Saturday morning. We are both going back to Indiana for Christmas and we thought it was silly to pack our gifts for each other in the car to Indiana and have to turn around and bring them right back to Florida.
Mya, our
niece, ended up getting sick and they left shortly after we opened Christmas gifts, but it was a fun time spent together. All the girls loved opening
their gifts, our babies mostly liked the wrapping paper. We (the adults) have been playing with their toys ever since.
I wanted to put up some pictures of our house decorated, but I felt 31 pictures was enough for this post. Stay tuned for our next set of Christmas pictures for Indiana. We will be leaving on the 19
th and driving back home. We are planning on driving through the night and hoping that the girls will sleep most of the way. Wish us luck!

Girls on their new toys.
Chloe enjoying her new toy.
"Mommy let's take a ride"
Chloe loving her new toy from Uncle Derek and Aunt Jess.

Payton: "I am ready for the road"
Jillian: "Me and
Uncle Derek, Aunt Jess, and
We are all bundled up for the sleigh ride with horses.
Pretty horses, Phineas and
Ferb, carrying our sleigh for the night.
Payton stole Daddy's hot apple cider.
We are all ready for
s'mores, Yea!
Ice skating rink....Someday.
The Elves' Village.
Uncle Derek and Daddy Race down the Ice Slide.
The Big Ice Slide.
Daddy lost to Uncle Derek : (
Can you find the babies?
The Big Christmas Tree in St. Augustine.
We are all bundled up and ready to have fun!
Beautiful Christmas Tree.
Chloe's sad face...Adorable!
Grandma putting on Payton's socks for the road.
Payton: "Hi how are you guys?"
Payton: "You like my Santa hat?"
Jillian: "Hi, I am ready for Christmas!"
Jillian: "Whoa!"
Jillian: "Hi...Don't tell Mommy and Daddy I took the ornament off the tree."
Payton: Say "No" to this face.
Payton: "Not as tasty as it looks."
Chloe: "Muuuahh"
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