Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Can you tell we are new at this?

Yesterday we went to the eye doctor. Because the girls were born early, their eyes were not completely developed. The doctors have to closely monitor the development of their eyes because if there are any problems it could lead to blindness. So we went to the doctor knowing it would take a while for all three of them to be checked out. We brought bottles and cups to heat the milk so we could feed them while we were waiting. We felt like we were so prepared. When it was feeding time we got everything ready, warmed up the milk and then I looked at Mark and asked if anyone grabbed the nipples. Oops!!! Luckily we got into the doctor and home just a little late for their feeding, but they weren't too upset.
The doctor's visit went well. I left the room because it was a horrible procedure to watch them go through, but Daddy and Grandma stayed with them. Their eyes had to be pried open with a clamp and then the doctor moved their eye around to look at it. Meanwhile they are screaming. But the doctor said everything went well. Their eyes are progressing nicely, but the blood vessels in their eyes have not completely fused yet so we have to go back in two weeks for the doctor to look at them again. Grandpa will be here for this appointment. Hopefully Daddy and Grandpa will be brave enough to stay in the room for that visit. Here are some new pictures.

Jillian in her new shirt



Boppies (the best invention ever)




We keep separating them and this is how they end up


Can I share your boppy?

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