The girls went to the eye doctor again today. Their eyes are still premature, but they are progressing as they should. We will have to go back in another 2 weeks to have the doctor look at them again and hopefully that will be the last time. We decided to stop by the pediatrician's office today because we couldn't wait to see how much they now weigh. Chloe is now 6lbs 6oz, Jillian is 5lbs 11oz, and Payton is 5lbs 9oz. The doctor is very pleased with their weight gain and says they are right on track. Tomorrow was their actual due date and they are now about the size of a normal newborn baby. Here are just a couple of picture to enjoy.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
6 weeks old
It is hard to believe but the girls are now 6 weeks old. We went to the doctor's office to have the girls weighed on Wednesday. Chloe weighs 5lbs 8oz, Jillian is 4lbs 15oz, and Payton is 4lbs 12oz. The doctor is very pleased. At this rate they are gaining 1-2 oz per day and we want them to keep that pace. They are doing very well at home and we are starting to get into a routine. We have had lots of help from friends at my school providing dinners since the girls came home. That has been a huge help! We are very blessed! Here are some new pictures.
size comparison picture

Saturday, May 15, 2010
Can you tell we are new at this?
Yesterday we went to the eye doctor. Because the girls were born early, their eyes were not completely developed. The doctors have to closely monitor the development of their eyes because if there are any problems it could lead to blindness. So we went to the doctor knowing it would take a while for all three of them to be checked out. We brought bottles and cups to heat the milk so we could feed them while we were waiting. We felt like we were so prepared. When it was feeding time we got everything ready, warmed up the milk and then I looked at Mark and asked if anyone grabbed the nipples. Oops!!! Luckily we got into the doctor and home just a little late for their feeding, but they weren't too upset.
The doctor's visit went well. I left the room because it was a horrible procedure to watch them go through, but Daddy and Grandma stayed with them. Their eyes had to be pried open with a clamp and then the doctor moved their eye around to look at it. Meanwhile they are screaming. But the doctor said everything went well. Their eyes are progressing nicely, but the blood vessels in their eyes have not completely fused yet so we have to go back in two weeks for the doctor to look at them again. Grandpa will be here for this appointment. Hopefully Daddy and Grandpa will be brave enough to stay in the room for that visit. Here are some new pictures.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
First Doctor's Appointment
All the girls had their first doctor's appointment this week. Everything went really well. They all had to get a shot and I think Mommy cried more than they did. All the girls were weighed and Chloe is now 4*10, Jillian is 4*1, and Payton is 4*2. The doctor is going to watch their weights closely because they are so small so we will go back next week to get weighed again. They have some upcoming appointments to check their development. On Friday they have an eye appointment to check their eye development, and on the 24th they all have to have a hip ultrasound. All the girls were breech so this can often lead to hip problems. We go back to the pediatrician when they are 2 months old (June 8th). The doctor's goal at this point is for the girls to all be in the 6lb range. Here are some pictures of their first appointment.
Mother's Day Homecoming
The best gift I could ever ask for was all my girls to be home on Mother's Day. On Sunday I got my wish and Payton, the last of the 3 girls, came home. Mark had made onsies for the girls to wear that said I love my mommy. We spent the day loving on our babies and taking it all in. Our first night with all three girls went really well. My mom, Mark and I all took shifts. Our days have been busy, but full of hugs and kisses. Here are some pictures...
Thursday, May 6, 2010
4 Weeks Old!!
The girls are 4 weeks old today and they have really taken off this past week. Monday...Jillian came out of her isolette at 4.0 lbs. Tuesday when we came in all the girls had their feeding tubes out and were all bottle feeding for every feed. Wednesday the NICU called us in the morning and told us that Chloe, pending her car seat evaluation, would come home on Thursday...and Jillian would come home on Saturday! So we brought up their car seats for their evaluations. Then we went and visited them this evening and to our surprise we saw Payton out of her isolette...and the nurses told us that she could be coming home Saturday or Sunday!! What a great Mother's Day that would be!! : )
As of tonight Chloe weighs 4.7lbs.....Jillian is 4.3lbs....and Payton is 4.0lbs!

Daddy Giving Chloe a bath.Payton out of her isolette! : )

New family picture
Monday, May 3, 2010
Grandma's here
Grandma Dimmick arrived yesterday. The girls are showing off for Grandma and are all starting to kick it into high gear. Chloe now weighs 4*5, she is taking every other feeding by bottle, and is still holding her temperature very well in her open air crib. Payton now weighs 3*12. She is still eating from the bottle twice a day, but she just started taking the entire bottle today. Usually she takes a little bit by bottle then they have to put the rest down her tube becuase she was taking too long. Jillian is now 4lbs even. She is taking ALL of her feedings by bottle and no longer has her feeding tube in. I am guessing maybe by Monday or Tuesday, she will be moving into a crib as long as she can hold her temp. They are doing so well. Thank you for all of your prayers! Keep praying for our babies so hopefully we can bring them home soon. Here are some new pictures.
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