The girls have really started interacting with us and with each other recently. It is amazing to be able to tell them things, and they understand fully what you just said. Life in our house is getting a little easier every day. Every night before bed we have a clean up party. They are starting to clean up their own messes (AMAZING). Chloe is the best cleaner. She loves to help put her books away.
They have also recently learned the word hug, and now they love to give hugs. I can easily say I don't think there is a better feeling in the world than when they wrap their little arms around you and squeeze. The cutest thing is when they hug each other. They get so into it they end up knocking each other down, but it is so cute.
As far as talking, they are getting better with some words. They try to repeat us constantly (we have to start watching what we say). The words don't always come out clear, but it is so cute when they try to talk to us and to each other. Mark has been working with them and teaching them animal sounds and body parts. They can do most of the animals in our books: cow, bird, dog, cat, bunny, hamster, fish, bear and they know where their nose, eyes, ears, feet, belly button, head and mouth is. It is very neat to see them learn and pick up things fairly quickly. They love to read and times three Mark and I read hundreds of books a day. Unfortunately they seem to bring us the same books over and over again. Luckily they don't notice when we skip a few pages yet! :)
I think the best part of having triplets is watching them interact with each other. They really love each other. Payton has really become the care taker of the group. She will try to be the peacemaker. If one of her sisters is crying she will try to bring them a pacifier or toy. She will pat their back when they cough and she is the best at sharing her toys. They have all grown out of the biting phase for the most part. We have gone from one bite every hour to one bite every week. Life is good in the Royer house! Here are several pictures and some videos on a side note, they love wearing hats. There are a lot of pictures with them in hats. That is all their doing. They see a hat and MUST put it on. It is so funny. Enjoy...
Let's swing sissy!...Having so much fun!
Payton and Jillian having fun in their cribs
First time the girls started to Hug each other.
More Hugging time with Sissy's

Come on Charlie!!!...Give me a Kiss!!! (Jillian)

He doesn't want me : ( (Jillian)

I like him...He's my buddy I love to pet and chase around! (Jillian)

I think this looks good..What do you think? (Payton)

Ravioli Night!!!...Daddy did my hair for me! (Payton)

Beautiful Jillian

Hmm...I like the Ritz Crackers...What do you like? (Payton and Chloe) 1st time in the big girl cart.

Chloe: Let's take this cart for a spin. (Payton and Chloe)

HUGS!!! Payton and Chloe!

Jillian:"Yeah...Daddy got to my hair too!" Rock Star!!!

Chloe and Daddy waiting for Mommy.

Payton: I can put this chair right here and I'm going in the kitchen Daddy!

I don't think I'm suppose to be up here...Haha but I like it! (Jillian)

Parrot Payton! Monkey See Monkey Do!

Chloe making her Daddy proud playing the drums!

Payton Fast asleep

What?!?...You don't like it? (Payton)

Jillian gathering up the toys!

Sweet Jillian watching your every move!

Payton Standing on the Couch

Chloe and her Patty Cake Bear!

Yes he did my Hair today...Can't you tell! (Chloe)

Payton said I could wear it! (Chloe)

Hi!...What do you want to do today!?!(Chloe)

Payton: Hi there!

Chloe: I kinda like these hats too!

Jillian: Yes...Can I help you?

Jillian: Yea...Just Chillin.

Payton: Ready for the Slopes! Got my Snow hat on!

Chloe loving her Elmo Slippers!

Pretty Girl Chloe

Chloe: Hugs for baby!

Payton: I gotta support the Yankees...That's Daddy's Team!

Chloe: Chillin in Mommy and Daddy's room
Payton loves wearing her hats!
Yes...Can we help you? (Charlie, Jillian, Payton)
Jillian and her buddy Charlie
Let's Color with Mommy! (Chloe and Jillian)
I like this color! (Jillian)
Payton: Easy does it!
Playing by the door...kinda like it over here...ready to answer the door! (Payton and Jillian)
Big Smiles from Jillian
Chloe going for the books...Everyday must do..Let's drag out all the books and spread them all over the floor!
Payton texting away!
Jillian getting all the toys
Chloe playing on the table
Payton: This is my serious look
Chloe: "Yes Mamma?"
Chloe: What is that?!?
Payton:" Well...What are we going to do today?"
Chloe gazing at Mickey
Payton: Not a hat..but it still looks good!
Payton: Yea gotta have it...they have their pacis..I have my thumb and never loose it!
Chloe reading away
Payton: Giddy Up Daddy!
Payton: "This looks like a nice spot to hang out..He won't mind"
Jillian reading her book
Jillian smiling away
Payton: Isn't it a little early for pictures?
Happy Chloe
Chloe having fun on the couch with Mommy
Chloe and Mommy hanging out.
Jillian: "Why...Hello!"
Chloe Bear!
Payton: Yea could you put down that camera...I want to take a look at this book!
Yea we still fall asleep in our chairs!
Payton, Jillian, and Chloe