Here is post 1 of 2. This post is more of a flashback. Many times when the girls do something cute, we grab the cell phone to take a picture and most of the time those pictures never get published. So we took all the pictures off of Mark's phone. Some of these date back as far as Christmas time last year. You can really see how much they have changed and how quickly they grow. Hope you enjoy all the pictures. This is only about 1/3 of the pictures. I thought this was plenty of material for the first post. Another post to come at another time.

Payton: "Hello Captain!"

Payton: Pants on my Head...Pants on my head!

Payton: "Yo What's up?"

All aboard the Royer Train!!...All Aboard!!! CHOO CHOO!!

Payton Pushing Sissy Jillian

Our Girls! Payton, Jillian, and Chloe

Payton: Only the begining...1st standing up.

One of many barricades we tried putting up...but they always broke through!

Shopping Trip to Sam's Club with Daddy!...Where did the groceries fit?

Yogurt mustache Payton

Girls Old Room...Turned play room

Girls New Bedroom...We've Moved down the Hall!

Jillian and Daddy

Jillian Falling asleep of many times at the high chair.

Chloe: Daddy don't wake her up I'll finish it!

Smiles from Chloe Bear!

Flashback....Bottoms up!

Jillian Pushing Chloe on the Dinosaur

Payton...Jillian...Chloe...and they stayed still!

The Flood Gates have opened to the hallway!

Where you going? Jillian (top), Payton (middle), Chloe (bottom)

We gotta keep our shirts clean!...Bibs were not cutting it!

Chloe: "Back off this is my toy!"

Close Up!...Pretty Eyes! (Payton)

Jillian: Can I have another!

Payton snuggling with Daddy!

Hey Guys ready to play!

Chloe: "Daddy Yo missed a spot over here...I'm gonna take care of it for you!"

Jillian's 1st trip to Ikea wore her out!

We are eating at the big girls table!

We are ready for lunch!

Payton: Yea...can someone help me out here?

Oh my Goodness whatever this is...tastes Great!

Jillian: "I think I can make it over!"

Jillian: "Maybe around?!?"

Sharing our table

Chloe Bear looking so innocent

Giggle's for Mommy and Daddy Shopping!

Mommy and Jillian

Chloe: Hey You!

Payton: This is one of many things Daddy tried putting me in.

Jillian:" Hey Get me my food!"

Chloe:"My Lazy Boy"

Jillian: "'s pretty neat out here!"

Jillian:" What do I get for waking up early..getting to play in the swing..I'm gonna try this more often!"

Jillian: WHOA!!!!...This is so much fun!

Chloe taking steps with her walker.

Jillian and her Froggy!

Is this thing talking to me?

Chloe and Roofis!...Chloe loves Dogs!...Go Dog's Go!

Chloe: "Hey you like my shirt?...give me a thumbs up!"

Girls Riding in style in Uncle Conor's Jaguar.

Come on sissy we can get over this barricade!

Jillian: "Do you girls want anything out of the fridge?"

Jillian striking her pose (Jillian, Chloe and Payton)

I love these things!!! (Payton, Chloe, and Jillian)

Jillian: You like my hood?

Jillian: "Yea...I thought it was cool too."

Jillian: "What is this?"

Chloe and her Dinosaur!

Payton and her Baby.

Payton! Where are you!?! Payton!?!...1st time she rolled down hallway!

Put a sock in it Payton!

Mmm...This is just not tasting right!

Chloe: "I'm gonna get you Jillian!"

Cheeta Girls! Payton, Chloe and Jillian

Our 3 little Monkies!

Aunt Japayton!

Chloe: "HHHHEEEEYY!!!"

Kevin and Chloe

Chloe Chillin on the Couch!

Adorable Payton!

Who says you can't have a pool party inside!

Let's feed the giraffes!