Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, November 26, 2010

Our First Thanksgiving

Wow what a busy week we have had. I was fortunate to have the entire week of Thanksgiving off from school, so Mark and I took this time to get a lot of things done. In years past, we have always decorated our house for Christmas on the day after Thanksgiving. This year we knew decorating would prove to be a lot more time consuming with frequent interruptions, so we started pulling down and organizing our Christmas decorations and even started putting up the lights outside on Wednesday. Feeling in the Christmas mood, we decided to take the girls to see Santa for the first time. We thought this was the best time to beat the crowd (and I was super excited :) ). The girls were so good and didn't cry at all. I feel that they are very lucky to have each other in that they are never in situations where they are alone. Sitting on a strange man's lap is not as frightening when you have your sisters at your side.

Yesterday, our family celebrated the girls' first Thanksgiving. We definitely have a lot to be thankful for this year. We spent the day with family and friends enjoying nothing short of a feast. The girls had formula and squash (yum!) I made them onesies to wear to our Thanksgiving dinner. We were so careful to keep them clean, but shortly after dinner Jillian had completely ruined hers (I was proud of her for making it that long).

Today, we did start decorating but are far from finished. Hopefully we will finish up tomorrow and be able to post some more pictures. Our hope is to take our own Christmas card pictures in front of our tree. Enjoy our pictures from Thanksgiving and Santa.

Picture with Santa

Santa's Village

Another picture with Santa

The kids table at Thanksgiving

The Adult table

Jillian enjoying her squash

More of the kids' table

Jillian in her shirt

The girls with cousin Mya

The girls in their shirts
Chloe, Payton, Jillian

Payton posing



Payton eating Mango for the first time

Jillian: mango

Chloe: mango

Shirts the only time they were completely clean

Friday, November 19, 2010

7 months and counting...

November has been a busy month for us. My mom officially left to go back to Indiana on November 6th. We decided the best thing for our family was for Mark to quit his job and start working part time in the evening. Mark was very unhappy at his work and he was working some weeks close to 80 hours. Since daycare is not reasonable when you have 3 infants, it just made sense. So now I work during the day and Mark works some evenings and on the weekends and so far it has worked out well. A few days after my mom left, my grandma did come down again to help out with the babies until Christmas. It is not so bad taking care of them when there is two people, but since Mark and I are working opposite shifts, that leaves one person with the babies alone. With Grandma here that always leaves two people with the babies. Needless to say, my family has been a huge help and we have been so blessed to have family stay with us for the first 9 months of their lives.

One of the most common questions we get now is do the babies interact with each other and talk to each other. So I posted some videos to answer that question. I think they are hilarious! Hope you enjoy.